Japan has a high level of global competitiveness in life sciences fostered by sustained efforts and innovation breakthroughs that many researchers in academia, research institutions, and pharmaceutical companies are bringing forward. Our mission is to help such research outcomes to be funded and to catalyze the translation of innovative medicines serving the needs of the patients.

Company Overview
Fund: New Life Science I Investment Limited Partnership
Founded: February 7, 2019
Fund Size: JPY 10.1 billion yen (Final close at February 6, 2020)
GP: New Life Science I LLP
Target: Biotech
Stage: Company Creation, Seed, Early, Middle, Later
Company: Shinsei Capital Partners, Ltd.
Management: CEO Manabu Nakamura
Director Yoshiyuki Yamakawa (Chairman, HIBIKI Partners)
Director Takahisa Komoda (Senior Managing Executive Officer, SBI Shinsei Bank)
Auditor Fuyuki Kojima (Partner attorney, HIFUMI Law)